自己中心な祈り (Selfish Prayer)

Potter's hands(Scroll down for ENGLISH)






When I read my Bible today, I found myself thinking, “So and so should read this!” In fact, I often think to myself, “If only this person or that person would change…” Then I hear a voice asking, “How about yourself?”

Sometimes, when I pray for others, my motives are to make my own life easier. “If only he/she changes.” In other words, by asking God to change someone else, I am actually saying that what God gives me is not enough for my happiness.

So today, I want to pray to change only me. I want to pray a selfish prayer. I will pray for others later. Maybe I will be able to truly pray for others according to God’s will then. So, here goes!

“God, I receive your grace today. You are more than enough for me. I don’t know what your will is in many ways. Teach me. Change me in my ways of thinking and my attitude.